Thursday, February 12, 2009

Diamond Text Theory

From signs to textems


"From signs to textems” is sketching the basic constituents for an intertextual theory of texts, based on the diamond concepts of bi-signs and textems.
Applications to inter/intra/trans- and hypertextuality (Xanadu) are sketched.

Some remarks about the relationship between semiotics and Gunther’s place-valued logic in the 70s are added.

1.2 Inter/intra/trans- and hyper-textuality

1.2.1 Signs and environments

Text theory seems to be fundamental for any media and cultural theory.

But classical, modern and post-modern studies of intertextuality in general is restricted mainly to a semantic or pragmatic level, concerning the intertextuality of meaning as an interaction of different texts, discourses and stratagemes in translation, interpretation or reconstruction of what happened anyway.

Poetic, evocative, propagandistic and prophetic modi, transformed by post-scientific writing, are taboo to the enlightened elite.

The basic semiotic system of whatever color is presupposed by such highly propagandistic and delirious and post-technological SiFI-fantasy and are not by themselves involved into the interaction of intertextuality in general.

It is understood that there is no semiotic theory of sign systems which is reflecting inner and outer environments of basic signs as a constitutive part of the definition of signs.

The literate reader of postmodern education will know very well that he will fail to answer a single question about how his or hers pragmatistic, interactive, discourse driven, multimedial, deconstructivist, quantum-inspired dialogism (and much more) is working. 

The laconism to write of/on signs and their paradoxical subversions is not generating jobs.

Therefore, a first step to a general theory of interactional semiotics on the base of the new concept of textems, i.e. bi-sign systems or anchored diamonds, consisting of the semiotic intra-kernel and the semiotic internal/external environments, and its interplay, is proposed.

1.4.4 Conceptual graph for two bi-signs building a textem

A textem consist of two diamondized anchord signs, i.e. bi-signs, inter-playing together by their mediated external environments.

Hence, a textem is an interplay of two bi-signs.
A bi-sign is a diamondized anchord sign, i.e. a sign with intrinsic environments and its anchors. 

This is a kind of botton up introduction. Because we know signs and have not yet experienced textems, this way of building up textems is legitimate.

But nevertheless, it works only because we know how to construct textems out of signs which are not able to offer any of the principles of textems, which are needed to realize such a construction, like their chiastic interplay between the environments of signs, the environments of signs and the anchoring of signs.

As we no well enough, signs lack environments, there is no chance to construct out of signs inn sign-theoretical sense a semiotic environment of the sign conception.

And obviously, there is no such mechanism as a chiasm in the sense of proemiality for signs. Hence, neither environments, internal and external, nor interactions between signs based on their environments are conceivable.

Therefore, as a consequence, there is no such thing as a reduction mechanism for textems, which is reducing without loss, textems to signs.

On the other hand, after the intuition of textems is introduced, formalized and implemented, reductions are naturally available.


A textem is reducible to its interacting bi-signs by excluding its chiastic interactivity. 
A semiotic diamond is a bi-sign, de-rooted from its anchor.

A single bi-sign is disconnected from its neighbor bi-sign, hence it is a bi-sign without interaction but realizing an anchored semiotic diamond with its isolated, and hence restricted, environment. 

A sign is a semiotic diamond, depraved from its environment.


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