Sunday, June 08, 2008

Short Studies 4. Which Equality?

How equal are equal human beings?

Full Study:


"All human beings are equal”. What does “equal” mean? What are the many definitions of “equal” and “equality"? From a Diamond perspective, concepts of sameness, from equality, similarity, bisimilarity to hetero-morphism and more are sketched in respect to their usage in ethical discourses, e.g Human Rights, of mono-, multi- and trans-cultural formations. What happens in such scenarios to the Golden Rule of ethics? The family of mankind? The brotherhood?

The following Short Study "Which Equality?", might be wrong in time. Things are still sub-human. The human rights not realized at all. On the other hand, what do we understand by equality if this term is defined only in a negative way, i.e. by exclusion of non-equality?

Despite the wrong timing, a conceptual effort to achieve a positive and constructive understanding of equality, anticipating futures to come, appears to be a reasonable entertainment.


1. Interdependency of context and composition

Life under the regulation of equality has stopped to be funny. To do the same, which can have strictly different meanings and significance, can end up in prison, deportation or execution if judged by identity-trained forces and institutions of our free society.

2. Laws in mono-, poly- and transcultural formations

2.1 Mono-cultural formation
2.2 Poly-cultural formation
2.3 Trans-cultural formation

3. Facets of togetherness

3.1 Modi of togetherness
3.2 Equality
3.3 Similarity
3.4 Bisimilarity
3.5 Dissimilarity
3.6 Groups of Diamonds
3.7 The paradox of simplicity

4. The Queer World of the Golden Rule

Dissimination of GR
Paradoxes of an Ethics for Others

Full Study:

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